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Courses at a Glance

The Music Department at Southwestern College offers a variety of Music Courses and Performance Ensembles. Class are open to all students, including music and non-music majors and community members. Some performance ensembles may be subject to audition or placement exam.

Composing Music

Music Theory Courses

Work toward your music degree by taking Music Theory courses!

Fall Semester Course Offerings

MUS 101: Music Theory I

MUS 109: Music Theory III

MUS 111: Aural Skills I

MUS 114: Aural Skills III

MUS 131: Music Fundamentals

Spring Semester Course Offerings:

MUS 102: Music Theory II

MUS 110: Music Theory IV

MUS 112: Aural Skills II

MUS 115: Aural Skills IV


Instrument Courses and Performance Ensembles

Develop your musical talent by participating in an instrument course and/or performance ensemble!

Instrument Courses

MUS 119: Brass, Woodwind, Percussion

MUS 125-8: Applied Music

MUS 132: Piano

MUS 137: Beg. Guitar

MUS 140-2: Class Voice

MUS 193: String, Piano, Voice

Performance Ensembles

MUS 136: Jazz Vocal Ensemble

MUS 124: Intro to Mariachi

MUS 157: Mariachi Garibaldi

MUS 158-61: Concert Band

MUS 162: Intro to Improvisation

MUS 163: Guitar Ensemble

MUS 164: Jazz Performance Workshop

MUS 165: Latin Jazz

MUS 166-69: Big Band

MUS 171-74: Small Performing Ensemble(s)

MUS 175-78: Orchestra

MUS 180-83: Chamber Singers

MUS 185-88: Concert Choir

NC 3081: Gospel Choir

Music Recording

Music History, Business, Technology, and Education

We offer a variety of courses in music history, music business, and music technology!

Music History

MUS 105: Introduction to Music

MUS 106: Introduction to Jazz

MUS 107: American Popular Music

MUS 195: World Music

Music Business & Technology

MUS 100: Music Technology

MUS 150: Music Business

MUS 151: Recordings Techniques

MUS 155: Electronic Music Tech

Music Education

MUS 103: Musicianship for General Elementary Teachers


We Offer a Variety of College Music Courses

Sheet Music Edits
Gospel Group

All of our courses offerings are listed on the Music page.

Click below for more details.

The SWC Music Department helped me figure out who I wanted to be and what career I wanted to pursue. It placed connections and opportunities along my path that allowed me to grow in and explore the career I chose.

Pablo Gamiño, SWC Student

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